To ensure pupils, their parents and carers, are informed and prepared to achieve aspirational next steps into adulthood and the world of work.
Our core aims:
- All students, parents, carers and teachers have access to careers information, advice and guidance.
- All students are accessing and engaged in a meaningful and developmental careers education curriculum programme.
- All students’ transition to a variety of positive destinations.
We are committed to careers education, information, advice and guidance ensuring pupils’ leave with the right tools and values to help prepare them for adulthood. We support pupils, with their parents and carers, to consider their future options, realise their potential and decide how their skills and experiences fit with opportunities in the local job market. We support pupils to prepare for their preferred transitional pathway whether that is to continue with further education, employment, training or living independently. We have a person-centred approach to student outcomes through our EHCP annual reviews process where we work with all stakeholders to shape clear and ambitious targets for pupils to prepare for their next steps. We are fully committed to our statutory and moral obligation to provide a holistic careers service for students in Year 8 onwards, highlighting the vocational and academic routes to their preferred career path. Throughout Selworthy Special School our careers programme is known as ‘Futures’.
Futures is led by our Careers Leader, Ian Spearman –
Useful links
- Somerset Education Business Partnership (SEBP)
- SEBP Choice Guide for 16-19 Year Olds
- National Careers Service
- National Citizenship Service (NCS)
- College and University Open Days
- Find an apprenticeship
- Amazing Apprenticeships
- Milkround for School Leavers
- Preparation for Adulthood Website
- Your Daughter’s Future – A guide to helps parents support daughters making career choices
Parents and carers can find the latest careers related opportunities in home-school books and on our school Twitter page.
Do you work in a business that could help provide work experience or opportunities for our students?
We are always looking for local businesses that are wanting to inspire and educate our students about the world of work and expand and develop our ‘Futures’ curriculum. If you think you could help to provide invaluable work experience or opportunities that give students the chance to develop core skills and motivation, in the first instance, please contact Ian Spearman –